Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcome to the world!!! Brendan Tyler Clark 6/28/02

"Oh...this is not so bad"! I'm here!! 6/28/02. The birth of my son. Brendan Tyler Clark.
As most know, I had help getting pregnant with my son. But, with the power of God above, it only took one month of taking Fertility pills. YAY!
I found out I was pregnant on Oct. 30th 2006. I was three weeks pregnant! What a long time of waiting on our lil bundle of joy!
Now he is 51/2 years old, and growing everyday! Ugh!! Why can't they stay little??!! (-;

1 comment:

Peggy said...

So sweet:) Our God is an awesome God! I am so happy you were blessed with your baby boy.